Vision Exams

Comprehensive eye care for the whole family.


Routine eye exams are important for both adults and children to diagnose eye and vision problems that do not have any obvious symptoms. Early diagnosis can restore and even prevent vision loss. Regular vision testing by our Storm Lake Optometrists will ensure the clearest vision possible for yourself and your family.       

The American Optometric Association recommends that adults have bi-yearly (or yearly for at-risk categories) eye and vision exams, whilst school-aged children should have a yearly examination. Pre-schoolers should also have a thorough, in-person optometric eye examination, as pre-school screenings don’t assess eye health to a high enough degree to diagnose disease, or requirements for early corrective treatments.

Our Stormlake Eye Health services


Vision Consultation

Prior to an eye exam, our doctors will consider any symptoms or issues that you are experiencing now or have experienced in the past, as well as your overall health and family history. This information, together with the results of the eye exam, will inform the approach of our optometrists


Eye Function Testing

Our doctors will perform several tests to evaluate depth perception, color vision, eye muscle capabilities, peripheral vision and responsiveness to light, alongside tests to determine whether the eyes are focusing, moving, and working together properly. The results of these tests enable our doctors to diagnose any underlying conditions that may be impairing the eyes ability to focus or work together.


Vision Testing  

Our doctors will measure how each eye is seeing by using a wall eye chart and a reading eye chart. The results of these tests are portrayed as a fraction, with 20/20 being the standard for normal distance and reading vision.


Eye Health

Our doctors will examine the overall health of the eye through a visual examination, which involves visually inspecting the eye and eyelids using magnification and a bright light. Our doctors will also utilize tonometry to measure eye pressure; increased eye pressure can be an indicator of glaucoma. 


“The benefits of regualr check-ups are that we can find and correct an issue before it’s even become a problem. That’s what I love about this job!”


Questions before getting started? Get in touch.